Friday, February 25

Libya: Regarding CNN's attempt to take over the job of the U.S. Dept. of State and Mike Huckabee's attempt to score against President Obama

CNN and Huckabee are not the only offenders but those two happened to catch me on a bad day last night.

The final straw was when I heard Huckabee say that Obama needed to take action to stop genocide in Libya. He covered his ass later in the same conversation by saying "what could be heading toward genocide." But Huckabee knows very well that genocide is grounds for U.N. forces and even individual nations to invade a country.

Right now the U.S. government and scores of other governments are desperately working to evacuate their nation's citizens from Libya, and scores of humanitarian agencies are desperately working to bring critical medical and food supplies into Libya. So this is not the time for CNN or any other U.S. news organization to attempt to manipulate the American public into pressuring President Obama to order U.S. military action against Libya's government.

Nor is it the time for Huckabee or any other American politician to use the crisis in Libya to score against Obama's administration -- or the previous administration, for that matter.

As for CNN's machinations -- I've been on the fence about whether to call them out for their coverage of the Egyptian protests. I got off the fence last night while I watched Anderson Cooper make another terrified Libyan citizen into a Queen for Day contestant, with the Grand Prize for the biggest sob story being U.S. Marines wading ashore.

More follows, if not this evening, I'll have the next post up by Saturday morning.

For now, CNN and the American political industry need to stand down and let the U.S. government do its job. Later there will be plenty of time to criticize how the job was done.

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