Wednesday, November 2

Clinton State Dept Emails: the warrant changes everything

H/T Red Eye Radio.  Writing for American Thinker, James G. Wiles clearly lays out the meaning and import of the warrant issued this weekend in the Clinton emails investigation. Here I provide a few highlights from the writing, which covers considerable ground. 

As to whether it all adds up to big trouble for Hillary Clinton. that will depend on whether the criminal probe proceeds to an indictment and Mrs Clinton is named in the indictment. That wouldn't happen before the election. However, the warrant means the situation is now ominous, even if it only pertains to Mrs Clinton's aide, Huma Abedin.

Don't Be Fooled: Hillarygate Probe Is Now a Formal Federal Criminal Investigation
James G. Wiles
November 1, 2016
American Thinker
... the granting of the warrant application means several important and new things:

1) A federal judge supervising a grand jury has now made a finding, based on FBI affidavits which present evidence gathered during the preliminary Hillary inquiry (the one which the FBI director stated had been closed back in July), that there's probable cause to believe that a federal crime was committed in connection with Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server.
We still, however, don't know what crime(s) are suspected to have been committed. Or by whom.
2) The FBI can use this new grant of grand jury authority to investigate Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server for the first time to issue subpoenas to obtain testimony from witnesses and compel the production of documents and things. The Bureau and DOJ can, furthermore, use the judge's probable cause finding to support further warrant applications.
This means that, if DOJ authorizes it, a United States attorney now has the ability for the first time to put subpoenaed witnesses before a grand jury. There, without their lawyer in the room, they may be questioned under oath by a federal prosecutor. 

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