Tuesday, August 7

There's no getting comfy in hell

"Pundita, after reading this report at Iraq Slogger I'm seeing why you called for prayers to ease Iraq's water crisis. There are water crises all over the world, but what's happening in Iraq right now is an outrage. The Iraqi thugs demanding sex from children in DP camps in return for clean drinking water are outright demons.
Jan in Reston"

Dear Jan:
Of course war brings demons out of the woodwork in large numbers. However, in Iraq there was a widescale, killer health disaster due to impure drinking water before the US arrived. It was democide in slow motion. The only way to stop the democide was to end the embargo, but the only way to end the embargo was to topple Saddam Hussein's regime. The die was cast for the Iraqi people on the day Saddam decided to invade Kuwait.

So for the vast majority of Iraqi people it was hell to the left, hell to the right. When you're stuck in hell there's no way out except through worse hell. So you can't blame people for trying to get comfy in hell. Pundita knows the drill backward and forward from personal experience, so I understand the Iraqis who tried to endure under Saddam.

But once you have no choice but to fight your way out of hell, the best you can do is tell yourself, "Now we come to the part in the play where we must really suffer."

And just keep going.

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