Thursday, January 31

Hooray for Canadian MP Keith Martin!

Leonard at Stand Your Ground has announced that the Hon. Keith Martin has filed a Private Member's Motion, M-446, to have subsection 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act deleted from the Act. This is great news.

I am preparing a list of Canadian rights I believe are violated by the administration of Section 13, which I plan to forward to Martin even though I am not a citizen of Canada. I hope the list will make a handy reference. I will publish the list at this blog at 3:00 PM Eastern Time today.

See Leonard's website for more information on M-446. Also see Ezra Levant's post on the topic.

Free Mark Steyn! advises Canadians to send a letter rather than an email to their MP, Keith Martin, and other Canadian government leaders to show support for the motion. FMS has additional advice here on how to support M-446.

Here is Martin's Hill Office address:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Of course those in Martin's constituency can use his constituency address.

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