Sunday, April 27

Conservative MP voices support for M-446; other good news from Marc Lemire

"Pundita, thought you'd like to see this:
Below is a letter written to Glenn Bahr, a victim of the Canadian Human Rights Commission by Conservative MP James Rajotte:
Dear Glenn:

The office of the Honorable Rona Ambrose, MP, has recently forwarded me a copy of your correspondence to her regarding your dealings with the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

While I am only aware of the generalities of your specific case with the Tribunal and it would be inappropriate for me to comment without full knowledge of the situation, rest assured that I am in agreement with you that the Canadian Human Rights Commission (as well as similar bodies at the provincial level) has recently overstepped its original mandate and is in need of reform. Its mandate is to protect the human rights of Canadian citizens, not to curtail free speech and impose censorship on an open, democratic society.

I give you my assurance that when motion M-446 comes before the House of Commons it will have my support. Furthermore, the passage of M-446 in no way prevents the enactment of further legislation to reform human rights bodies in Canada, should the need arise in the future. [...]

Yours truly,
James Rajotte, MP

Thanks for sending me the good news! How are things going with you?

All is good here.

Just busy trying to get out information on my criminal complaint against the CHRC for stealing that poor woman's internet connection to post on white nationalist websites.

I never believed it would ever turn out to be this bad.

My next mission is to get civil liberties organizations in Canada to intervene on my case. For them it's pretty easy. I have done all the hard work already.

They would intervene to just make final arguments.

It will make a huge difference at the Tribunal if they make arguments to support the Constitutional challenge of section 13.

Them getting involved will show to the tribunal this is a big issue that effects many people.

I appreciate you caring what is happening in my case.

With the evidence I have brought forward this case is no longer about me, but rather effects every Canadian who wants to post commentary on the internet.

We have a good chance to stop it now.

No other case will ever have the factual background of my case. Where the CHRC freely admitted they tried to set me up. And it's a real free speech case, where not a single word I ever wrote is at issue.

This is the case and now is the time!
Marc Lemire

Much more than you may know is riding on your criminal complaint. Bless your courage and hard work.

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