Sunday, July 29

Catching Up, Part 2: Solving Siachen

So here it is, 2:25 AM in Washington, DC and I am trying to type while stopping every few seconds to stuff the edge of my sleeve in my mouth so my guffaws won't awaken the neighborhood. From the Major's April 17 post, You Too Can Give Suggestions To Solve Siachen:
Do you feel like doing a strategic analysis of Siachen issue but cannot figure out where it is on the map? Do you feel like calling for solutions to Siachen but do not know the difference between Karakoram highway, Karakoram pass and Karakoram mountain range? Fikar not. Here is a map yours sachly made for you (click on it for a bigger map and opportunities for bigger strategic analysis)
No I'm not going to show you the map because if I look at it again I'm going to lose the battle to muffle my laughter.

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