
Friday, August 7

Quietly, Japan working with Afghans transforms Afghanistan's Gamberi Desert and in the process restores social order in the region

"The key is old wisdom: installing Stone Pitching Slanting weir"

Mind-blowing terraforming projects

The project shown in the top two photographs took 9 years; the one shown in the bottom two took 5 years. That's not a typo:  five years.  

Embassy of Japan in Afghanistan helps transform once arid desert into lush paradise
by Scott Wilson
August 7, 2015
Rocket News 24

The Japanese Embassy in Afghanistan does a lot of work. You can read on their website about what they do, but here’s just a small sample:
  • security
  • mine-clearing
  • technical training
  • infrastructure assistance
  • food transportation
  • healthcare
  • building schools
  • humanitarian and technical assistance
  • cultural preservation
Oh, and did we mention terraforming?

Together with the local population, the Japanese Embassy has worked hard for years, planting trees, irrigating fields, and turning what was once a desert into a lush landscape. 


Miracle in Gamberi Desert in Nangarhar: the Japanese assistance turned the desert into a green!

Before and After at Slampur [top two photos shown above]:

- Afghanistan community has potential power to restore itself by controlling the local river and utilizing water resource.

- Key is old wisdom: Installing Stone Pitching Slanting Weir in Kunar River to control river and achieve stable water intakes.

(Stone Pitching Slanting Weir is a traditional technology in Japan since 18th century.)

Current situation in the region:

- Increased agricultural products every year such as wheat, fruits etc.

- 800,000 trees, expected to increase more than 1,000,000 in near future.

- People returned to the villages in the region and working as farmers:
30,000 (2003)
150,000 (current).

- Revival of people's traditionally good morals; no fighting, no terrorism and no robbery!

This unbelievable transformation only took seven years



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