Tuesday, June 21

Saudi king tries to get Saudi Islamic State criminals released from Iraq prison

Iraq Summons the Saudi Arabian Ambassador

The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs summoned the Saudi Arabian ambassador, Samer al-Sabhan (see photo) to remind him of his duty not to interfere in the country’s internal affairs.

On his Facebook page the ambassador had vehemently criticized the presence of the Iranian military advisers at the side of the Iraqi forces that are fighting to liberate Fallujah, under Isis occupation.

Furthermore on 12 June, a delegation led by the first secretary of the Saudi Ambassador, Salah Abdallah Hatlani, came to visit Saudi prisoners held at al-Hout (Nasriyah). He declared that the King had done everything in his power to free them. At present, the individuals are imprisoned for crimes they committed as members of Isis.

In April, the Kingdom had proposed to send its army to fight Isis in Iraq. However, a number of political lraqi leaders consider that actually Saudi Arabia is one of the main secret supporters of the terrorist organization.

Anoosha Boralessa

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