Friday, August 12

Maybe they're zombies

Our "western" and Gulf governments pay a lot of our taxpayer money for such anti-Syrian warmongering. The "White Helmets" alone receive $60 million. We should at least demand better fakes and more plausible lies for such large expenditures of our money.
The sharp-eyed author of Moon of Alabama is a German living in Germany, so I can understand why he's so outraged at the latest Syrian War propaganda cranked out for news consumers in the U.K. But this use of dead people isn't a big deal. Here in the USA it's a tradition for dead people to vote in elections (for Democratic candidates). So why not dead Syrian doctors signing an open letter to President Obama? 

However, I will say it's a bit over the top when some wit in the propaganda dept. at MI6 named the doctors for famous terrorists.  

I tell you watching the machinations in support of terrorists in Syria is even more fun than watching monkeys play baseball.

Thanks, b, for giving me a laugh:

Six Killed Pediatricians Sign Letter To Obama
August 12, 2016
Moon of Alabama

We are used to quite a lot of warmongering propaganda against Syria. The "last hospital in Aleppo gets destroyed" - week after week after week, reports by Physicians For Human Rights on Syria turn out to be scams, videos and pictures of "children rescued" by the U.S./UK-paid media group "White Helmets" are staged.

But the yesterday-released and very well propagandized Open Letter of Aleppo Doctors takes the crown of warmongering anti-Syrian fakes:

We are 15 of the last doctors serving the remaining 300,000 citizens of eastern Aleppo. Regime troops have sought to surround and blockade the entire east of the city.
Look who signed that open letter:

Stenographing the letter's propaganda the Guardian cleverly notes:
It has not been possible to verify the names of all the doctors listed in the letter.
Maybe because these names are those of famous Jihadis? But if only the fake names were the problem .....

Notice that there is no general practitioner among those fifteen doctors. This while general practitioners are usually the largest share of medics in any country. Even more astonishingly, six of the fifteen (no. 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14) are identified as "pediatricians".

Hmm - ain't those supposed to be dead? All of them? Weren't the last pediatricians in east-Aleppo killed on April 28?

Our "western" and Gulf governments pay a lot of our taxpayer money for such anti-Syrian warmongering. The "White Helmets" alone receive $60 million. We should at least demand better fakes and more plausible lies for such large expenditures of our money.

Source: Ali Ornek


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