Friday, November 30

I have not forgotten 26/11

I have not forgotten Syria, either. I forget nothing. All right Pundita that's enough. 

Now where were we? Drag friction. Forests. Winds. Trees. Wildfires.

If you're lost, I did warn that I am covering a lot of ground very fast. Toward the end of December I hope to do a summary of my posts since late October, but for now keep up or fall behind. 

And note that while I'm focusing on California's forests and wildfires, the observations I'm making and reports I'm posting on the topics apply to many other regions of the world; Greece, as one example.    

Now. Any chance the winds coming off the Great Basin Desert have been getting stronger? If so, that might translate to routinely higher winds for California, if as I've argued, massive deforestation significantly decreased drag friction provided by forest. Has there been a study done on whether the GBD winds in California have picked up in recent decades?  

All I see in news reports/public discussion is circular reasoning: yes winds are strong in California and this is due to global warming due to trapped greenhouse gases. 

If you'd ask them what trapped greenhouse gases have to do with higher winds the answer would be: climate change. 

They're going round in circles.

Of course getting at least a ballpark answer wouldn't require a fancy research project. Just ring up people who've lived on the GBD for a generation and ask, 'Have you noticed whether the winds have gotten stronger in your neighborhood during the past decade?' 

But there must be some kind of study that's already been done. 

I will return tonight. 


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