Tuesday, June 25

Spanish meteorologist re European heat wave: "Hell is coming."

It's coming off the Sahara, with wind-driven record-breaking temperatures expected across all of Continental Europe, to include the Alps. The worst will be starting in France tomorrow, with a temperature that could reach or top 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

The U.K. is expected to dodge the highest temperatures but temperatures in England, at least, will still be high.

The most alarming aspect of this heatwave is not only its intensity and reach but the earliness with which it's arriving. Last year's record-breaking heatwave in Europe, which was accompanied by widespread wildfires, came in July-August.

How far east will the heat wave spread on the continent and how long will it last? I haven't yet seen speculation about this, beyond expectations that it will last at least until the end of this week. But if Ukraine gets hit, then depending on the status of the wheat growing cycle, a heatwave could fry Ukraine wheat, and possibly also the crop in eastern Russia. In that event, we would be looking at another order of calamity. Those nations are among the top wheat exporters.




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