Monday, July 1

You mean the caste system isn't from Outer Space?

If it's not from Outer Space, where did it come from? Well, according to B.R. Ambedkar, a 'founding father' of the modern Republic of India:  
“It must be recognized that the Hindus observe Caste not because they are inhuman or wrong-headed. They observe Caste because they are deeply religious … The real remedy is to destroy the belief in the sanctity of the Shastras. Caste has a divine basis… this means you must destroy the authority of the Shastras and the Vedas.”
So now we know for certain why post-British India was so screwed up. One of its founders, at least, was barking mad.

All right, Pundita, stop rubber-necking at The Print. You're supposed to be there to read an article on Pakistan -- a blockbuster article, I might add. Next post.


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