Sunday, December 1

Actually, it's well established that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 US election

November 21, BuzzFeed News:
Fiona Hill addressed Republican members of Congress promoting the conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election: "This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves."
November 22, from Yasha Levine's Ukraine and Meddling in 2016
I know I’ve written about this before, but I feel like I have to address it again — seeing how just about every impeachment witness has repeated the claim that meddling by Ukrainian government officials did not happen in 2016 and that anyone who says otherwise is spreading toxic Russian propaganda. I’ve been dipping into these hearings every now and again and I’ve heard this said over and over. It reminds me of those new-age quantum mind-over-matter types in The Secret: Repeat the mantra often enough and convince yourself it’s true and -- it is!
Let’s start with a fact: Meddling in the 2016 election by Ukrainian politicians and government agencies happened.
The above is true and no amount of denial is going to change that. What’s more: Ukrainian nationals didn’t just meddle on their own, they also worked with Americans — including Ukrainian-American political operatives on the payroll of the [U.S.] Democratic Party. Not only did all this happen, it was written up as fact by establishment papers and outlets as varied as Yahoo, Politico, and the Financial Times in 2016 on the eve of the election. (See this by me here.)
 The involvement of Ukrainian pols and officials in all of this has never been secret. It was acknowledged at the time. The principle actors openly talked and bragged about their exploits in the press. And why not? Back in 2016, no one thought that Trump would win the presidency. So why bother hiding it?
Read on for the truth, and the twisted efforts to wipe truth from the record.  


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