Sunday, April 12

Italians should have done for Easter what the Mormon Tabernacle Choir did

Pundita, can we please not fight on Easter Sunday? Well it's too late now. I got so depressed seeing Andrea Bocelli singing all alone on Easter in that vast empty cathedral, I couldn't finish watching. 

Okay, there was an organist to keep him company. But why couldn't Milan's city fathers have taken inspiration from the Italians who sung from their balconies during the Covid lockdown and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's great use of the 'virtual' choir?

Now here's the way to sing in celebration of Easter! A three hundred-strong choir joined by two thousand people from all over the world singing their parts individually into their computers, and it all gets joined together by tech wizards for the most incredible rendition of Handel's Alleluia! Chorus I've ever witnessed. When the screens start lighting up behind the in-house choir -- I have no words.  

Virus be darned, lockdowns be darned! The Italians who sang from their balconies showed we can't be stopped from singing! 

Happy Easter, everyone!


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