Saturday, May 30

St. Paul police deny one of theirs escalated rioting by smashing windows

I have deleted yesterday's post that mentioned the window-smashing incident and the claim that it was done by a policeman out of uniform. I did so after reading RT's report on what is currently known about the accusation and the official police denial. 

I don't know what to believe at this point about the situation. All I know is that I am weary of the constant uproar in the United States, the lies and counter-lies, claims and counter-claims, the protests and counter-protests, the shrieking news media and social media, the unrelenting political campaigning.

One commenter called my kind of weariness it "bluster fatigue." 

When it comes to the point where news about virus death rates is a welcome relief from the din, I think this is a sign of bluster fatigue and that I have a serious case of it.  

But weariness is no excuse to pass along an unproven accusation about a serious matter. My apology to Pundita readers. 

I think it's time I took a break from the internet and blogging. I'll return in two weeks. Until then,

Stay safe,


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