Monday, March 14

Biowar expert backs Russian claim that U.S. funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine UPDATED 2X

In the first update I added an interview with Vladimir Kozin, but I now see it was the wrong url, which I've corrected. 

From the YouTube site:

"Francis Boyle, JD, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, and the leading expert on biological weapons emphatically states that the labs found in Ukraine by Russian troops are funded and run by the USA. The thousands of scientists working in these labs all over the world he calls 'Death Scientists.' "

The interview, published March 14, is also available on Rumble. Bioweapons in Ukraine (  The discussion includes the current and projected Russian military situation in Ukraine. 

Here is another video, recorded March 12 and published March 13 at Rumble, in which Regis Tremblay interviews Vladimir Kozin, PhD, who discusses Russia's discovery of biolabs in Ukraine.  

Bioweapons in Ukraine (

To return to the Boyle interview, he mentions a book by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh that is purportedly an exposé of America's bioweapon/biochemical "industry" as Boyle terms it.   

The book is titled Chemical and biological warfare; America's hidden arsenal : Hersh, Seymour M : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Boyle told Tremblay that the book was published in 1986.  

He got the year turned around. The book was published in 1968.

I would say the book needs to be closely studied at this time along with Boyle's 2005 book "Biowarfare and Terrorism." 

Biowarfare and Terrorism: Boyle, Francis Anthony: 9780932863461: Books

From the overview at Amazon:

This book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.

Most significantly, U.S. expert Francis A. Boyle reveals how the new billion-dollar U.S. Chemical and Biological Defense Program has been reorientated to accord with the Neo-Conservative pre-emptive strike agenda—this time by biological and chemical warfare. [...] 

Surely there are more recent books on the topic, but I think in this case it's good to learn about the roots of America's bioterror programs and how the programs got tangled up with a neoconservative war agenda. 

The perennial excuse for US involvement with biological and chemical weapons 'research,' i.e., The Other Side is Also Doing It, had worn thin by 2001 with the anthrax attack on U.S. Members of Congress, which Boyle's 2005 book discusses at length. I think the nightmare uncovered in Ukraine shows that by this era there is no excuse. 

One other note: I see Boyle is referred to as a doctor in some older interviews posted at YouTube. Just to be clear he's an attorney -- obviously one who has greatly familiarized himself with the 'science' of biological weapon development.


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