Sunday, December 11

Vlahos: "We became a kind of SWAT Team military."

In American and European public places crammed with blowhards, here are two Americans who actually know what they are talking about when they discuss NATO, U.S. military, and the absolute muddles of both. Quote in the title of this post is from Part 2 of their discussion, around the 9:50 minute mark.

 Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Why NATO strategic failure? A war of deceit, denial Pt2 - YouTube

Vlahos outlines his credentials and Macgregor's at the start of Part 1 then both set the stage for the rest of their discussion:

Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is the war in Ukraine entering its decisive phase? Pt.1 - YouTube

And here is part 3:

Michael Vlahos & Douglas Macgregor What is to be done? Can a corrupted US military be renewed? Pt.3 - YouTube

I do have a disagreement with Col. Macgregor's view of how the Russians initially thought and acted when they invaded Ukraine.  Or rather a guess about their view, as Macgregor outlines near the start of Part 1. He thinks they made mistaken assumptions, which translated into initial mistakes in their invasion strategy.

Based on what I learned about the early phase of the invasion, my guess is that it's entirely possible they were engaged in a feint with the goals of splitting up and fixing in place large numbers of Ukranian forces while keeping NATO forces at bay. And I don't believe they were ever misled by Zelensky's appearance of being open to negotiation during the early phase of the war.   

However, even I'm correct, there is no question in my mind that Macgregor knows what he is talking about when it comes to NATO and the U.S. military.  And I think it is vital for the American civilian government and the Pentagon to act on his advice, which he details in Part 3 of the discussion -- not only vital for Americans but also for all major governments and in particular the European ones.

Finally, Macgregor has a doctorate in international relations from University of Virginia, awarded in 1987.   


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