
Saturday, June 6

What Al Qaeda learned by studying America's nationwide street protests

1. America's police forces (APF) still can't recognize either type of swarm attack.   

2. APF are unfamiliar with the tactics of 21st century urban warfare, which include the tactic of weaponized mass peaceful protests, perfected during Ukraine's 2004-2005 Orange Revolution and used very effectively during the 'peaceful revolution' in Egypt in 2011.   

3. Even though large amounts of (outdated) military equipment were dumped on them by the defense department over the past decade, APF don't know how to use the equipment to discourage widescale urban rioting and the crime wave that evolves from it.   

4. As with Scotland Yard during the August 2011 London riots, AFP was unaware that criminal gangs coordinated robberies of retail businesses by using encrypted cell phone communications -- a tactic also used for the swarm attack on Mumbai in November 2008. 

Certainly, AQ strategists and ones in other radical  organizations and crime syndicates have learned many additional things from analyzing the muddled police actions. Above all, they learned that U.S. military and police forces are as unready today for a devastating asymmetric attack on American soil as they were on September 11, 2001.

As to what they'll do with the knowledge, that depends on several factors, including whether Donald Trump is reelected U.S. President.  One thing is clear at this point: they now have detailed knowledge instead of suppositions. This is due to nonstop highly-detailed U.S. media coverage of police actions in scores of American cities during the late May-early June mass protests.


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