
Monday, March 28

Dutch Government didn't think how anti-Russian sanctions would affect them

They didn't think, period. 

From the Moon of Alabama comment section:
Guess what, yesterday the Dutch prime minister said that Russian sanctions have little impact on the Dutch economy and that everything is fine, and we could even boycott the import of Russian oil and it would have little effect on the Dutch economy.

Guess what happened today, the Dutch CPB which is an economic government advisory agency, warned that the disruption of supply chains worldwide as a result of anti-Russian sanctions will have a large negative impact on the Dutch economy in the next year or two, because the largest part of the Dutch economy is trade and this sector will slowly grind to a halt as a result of these supply chain interruptions and the Dutch economy will be hit hardest of all the economies in the EU as a result of anti-Russian sanctions.

Guess they all missed the fact that in the last 30 years or so under WTO rules the production of almost all end products has been diversified to many factories all over the world that produce parts, that all depend on each other and on just-in-time delivery in order to produce [just] about any end product.

Who would have thought that sanctioning the largest country in the world that produces the largest amounts of raw materials would disrupt this international manufacturing, trade and transport system? lol

Posted by: Jimmy | Mar 27 2022 16:26 utc | 41

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