
Tuesday, December 6

New lead in 2013 Ghouta false flag chemical attack

From Moon of Alabama comment section today. Note the remark at the end about the "Caesar photos" hoax:

BREAKING: New lead in the Ghouta chemical weapons investigation!

I have always maintained that the alleged "sarin" attack of August 2013 never happened. Instead, hostages were gassed in cellars throughout eastern Ghouta. The chemical agent used has been a mystery. I have assumed it was mainly chlorine, but not all symptoms match.

Lizzie Phelan has now published photos and video from a school in eastern Aleppo that had been used as a rebel base. A storage room contained hundreds of liters of potassium permanganate in 10 liter plastic canisters. We have long suspected that Syrian rebels use potassium permanganate to generate chlorine gas for their gas chambers and for staging "regime gas attacks".

The chemical cache also contains bags of aluminium phosphide under the brand name Detia GAS-EX-B. Aluminium phosphide produces phosphine upon contact with atmospheric water. The primary use of phosphine is as a fumigant in farms and grain silos. I suspect Detia GAS-EX-B was used to fumigate rebel prisoners.

More on the topic here on A Closer Look on Syria.

The Ghouta false-flag or hoax attack may not be the only case of rebel gas chambers. Many of the victims in the Caesar photo collection show signs of being executed by gas, possibly with chlorine.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Dec 5, 2016 6:28:47 AM

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