
Monday, July 27

H1N1 Swine Flu: More on Filligent's pandemic-fighting BioMask and other BioFriend products

Filligent co-founder and CEO Melissa Mowbray-d'Arbela's interview with John Batchelor was great. The podcast for the interview (Saturday, July 26, 10:20 PM ET) will be posted at John's website sometime today. She told John that the BioMask™ (at right) is available for sale in every country but the USA. She also said that Filligent is waiting on FDA approval before the BioMask can be sold in the USA.

Over the weekend Freedom Fairy sent me a link to an online medical supply company that will start selling the BioMask on September 1st. You can probably put in an order now. I didn't check to see if they're selling other Filligent products made from the same BioFriend™ material as the BioMask. I did note that the site takes all major credit cards.

The mask and other BioFriend products, including the fabulous BioFriend pathogen-zapping dry hand cloth (the "QuickCloth") and the BioFriend QuickPatch, are being sold at Filligent Europe, which accepts payments via Pay Pal. Freedom Fairy said there are several other online medical supply outlets that are selling the mask or will be, and which can be found through a search engine.

Regarding the patches, I'd originally thought of slapping them on kids' clothes so they could just wipe their hand across the patch to remove viruses and bacteria. But another use would be to stick the patches on your desk at work and right outside the office lunchroom.

I don't know how big the patches are but you could always stick a few together to make a larger surface. People could wipe their hands on the patch before they entered the lunchroom. The patches might not last as long with several people using them (the QuickCloth is good for a month of personal use) but heck, they're not expensive and even if they have to be changed every day outside the lunchroom it'd be worth it during a pandemic.

Many people won't take the time to properly wash their hands even if they're inclined to wash them. If you only wash for 10 seconds, you might as well not wash at all if your purpose is to neutralize pathogens. So the more I think about the patches the more places I can think to stick them.

And I am not sure how long it takes alcohol-based gel sanitizers to work. I can't find the link but recently I read that alcohol has to be on a surface a few minutes to sanitize it. Don't quote me on that but if it's true, and the sanitizer you've used hasn't worked by the time you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth or any surface, that's defeating the purpose if you're carrying a virus. The BioFriend technology used in the masks, cloths, etc. kills bacteria and viruses virtually instantly.

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